Thursday, March 11, 2010

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Saturday (2/6/2010)

Grace attended her first classmates birthday party at Jumpin Jax. Daddy was able to come home for the weekend and go with us. Those two are just alike, they both love thrill and adrenaline :) Here they are getting ready to go down the "Big" slide.

Friday (2/5/2010)

Grace loves bubble baths! She was so proud of herself and thought it was hilarious. She was actually the one that asked me to take this picture :)

Thursday (2/4/2010)

Grace, you are such a good little "mommy".

Wednesday ( 2/3/2010)

After Grace's pre-school today, we went to Burger King to eat and play. This is the first time that Grace even noticed the crowns and she wanted to wear it all day :)

Tuesday (February 2, 2010)

Grace had a "recheck" for an ear infection today. Her ear tubes are currently not functioning properly. In fact one of them is out of place and the other is clogged. Thankfully the infection was cleared up today, but the fluid remains. We are scheduled to see the ENT again in March to decide if a new set of tubes is needed, or what the plan should be.

Monday (February 1, 2010)

Grace's preschool is collecting Box Tops and the money goes towards books/equipment for the school. I thought this was a creative way to get the kids involved. Grace helped me glue them all to the tree.